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In unserer universitären Ambulanz steht neben der Behandlung unserer Patient*innen auch die Erforschung von Erkrankungen und deren Behandlung im Fokus.

Daher nutzen wir zum einen - abhängig von der Einwilligung unserer Patient*innen - die Daten, die wir im Rahmen der Diagnostik und Qualitätssicherung in den Routinebehandlungen erheben.

Zum anderen werden bei uns zusätzlich spezifische Forschungsprojekte durchgeführt. Diese beziehen sich häufig nur auf bestimmte Patient*innengruppen (z. B. Patient*innen mit einer Angststörung oder Patientinnen mit Anorexie zwischen 6 und 13 und Jahren).

Aktuelle Projekte (Inhalte, Ansprechpartner*innen) sowie die bisherigen Publikationen sind im Folgenden dargestellt.

Aktuelle Projekte

Sollten Sie unsere Forschung als Teilnehmer*n unterstützen wollen - Neben einer Beschreibung unserer aktuellen Forschungsprojekte, finden Sie im folgenden auch Informationen über Ansprechpartner*innen und Teilnahmemöglichkeiten, sofern offene Plätze vorhanden sind.

Therapy-Related Interpersonal Behaviors (TRIB; Prof. H. Schöttke & Dr. A. Möllmann)

In the past decade, variation in outcomes between therapists (i.e., therapist effects) have become increasingly recognized as an important factor in psychotherapy. Less is known, however, about what accounts for differences between therapists. The present project investigates the possibility that therapists’ basic therapy-related interpersonal skills may impact outcomes in therapeutic training programs. Possible findings underscore the importance of therapists’ interpersonal skills as a predictor of therapy outcome and source of therapist effects. Methods: Multilevel modeling to examine observer- and an expert-rated behavioral assessment to psychotherapy skills and objective performance data of training success.

Longitudinal study of post stroke depression and post stroke anxiety: Prevalence, Time course and Trainability of Inattention Symptoms (Prof. H. Schöttke, Dr. C.-M. Giabbiconi, Dr. A. Möllmann, V. Schenkel & I. Gerke)

Our epidemiological research is focusing on post-stroke affective disorders especially on poststroke depression (PSD) on post-stroke anxiety (PSA) is in its early stages of cerebro-vascular disease. The present project proposes a broad picture on post-stroke affective disorders, including PSD and PSA in German stroke in-patients during rehabilitation. In addition, we investigated whether lifetime affective disorders predict the emergence of PSD and PSA. Alternatively, time course of affective disorders, trainability of inattention disorders and reduction of ADL functions are under research. Methods: Longitudinal studies and randomized control training studies of actue stroke survivors.

Feedback research in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy (Prof. H. Schöttke, Dr. M. Unrath & Dr. C. Uhlmann)

The systematic feedback of change in psychological distress over the course of a therapy has been considered a possible candidate to improve therapeutic success and to enable a stronger focus on the patient for some time already. However, the current body of results cannot be readily transferred to the outpatient psychotherapy in Germany. The analysis and safeguard of effects have to be complimented in a way that considers the instruments specifically applied in Germany as well as the level of psychic distress patients treated in the German outpatient sector show. For this purpose, a randomized controlled therapy study (RCT study) was conceived of. The impact of feedback on therapy progress will be registered and analysed systematically (experimental condition: feedback every quarter over the course of therapy in a pre-post-test design). The courses and outcomes of therapy in the experimental group will be compared to the courses and outcomes of therapy in two control conditions (control condition 1: only pre- and post-measurement; control condition 2: pre- and post-measurement as well as repeated measurements over the course of therapy without feedback). By applying this study design, a differentiated answer can be found with regard to the questions if a higher therapy effectiveness can also be observed in the outpatient sector in Germany, and if so – if this is due to the measurements alone or attributable to a specific effect of the feedback. In the context of the initiating efforts to establish quality assurance in the psychological health services sector, results regarding the effects of measuring and feedback systems are necessary to make informed decisions when implementing monitoring measures.